Studied Diploma in Yoga in the prestigious Kaivalyadhama, Mumbai which is the oldest Scientific Yoga research centre in the world in 2002 under the tutelage of Mr. Parmanand Agarwal. She went on to create a niche for herself by conducting and teaching prenatal or pregnancy Yoga.

Now a household name for all young Pregnant ladies to go to for Yoga in South Mumbai, she has created a program catering to personalised interests and needs for the baby and mother and backed with science. She has constantly updated herself with courses like Pregnancy Yoga teacher training course, 2021 which backed Yoga with Gynaecology, giving a true essence of integration of allopathy with traditional Yoga.

She now has 20 years of experience which she constantly updates with modern science advancements. A guiding light to the Charitable Wing of MMC, and the founder of ATIVAK charitable wing, she always endorses giving back to society by education, financial support and medical support.